We welcome new members
Members receive three issues of Studies in Illustration each year and other occasional publications including the prestigious IBIS Journal, every few years. In addition to the regular publications, IBIS organises activities such as lectures and visits to collections and museums.
Click Here to join IBIS or renew over the internet
If you wish to pay by cheque, choose the appropriate membership rate from the list below.
We regret that we can accept only cheques in UK pounds drawn on a UK bank.
Cheques should be made payable to I.B.I.S.
Applications should be sent to I.B.I.S.
c/o 50 Lauderdale Mansions, Lauderdale Road, London, W9 1NE
IBIS Membership Subscriptions |
Rate |
UK |
Overseas |
Individuals |
18.00 |
23.00 |
Couples (at one address) |
23.00 |
28.00 |
Institutions |
30.00 |
35.00 |
Sponsors |
30.00 |
35.00 |
Membership is for the year 1st January to 31st December
On joining you will receive all copies of Studies in Illustration sent to members during the year of joining and your subscription will be due for renewal the following January. However, applications received after publication of the 3rd newsletter of the year will be credited to the following year.
The Sponsor rate is for members who wish to show their support for the society by making an additional donation with their subscription.