Issues 1 to 15: Table of Contents

Issues generally include further material such as editorials, announcements, notes and queries, etc.

Click Here for a printable document containing
a comprehensive ‘Table of Contents’ for these 15 issues.

From Gulliver's Travels, 1917

No. 1, Autumn 1995

Review: A Checklist of the Published Work of Aubrey Beardsley by Mark Samuels Lasner (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).

Review: Edmund Dulac - His Book Illustrations by Ann Conolly Hughey (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).

Bibliography: The Book and Magazine Illustrations of Willy Pogany, compiled by Robin Greer.

Cover Design by Will H. Bradley

No. 2, Winter/Spring 1996

'The George Fleming Collection' (report on the sale at Dominic Winter).

'Will H. Bradley, Typographer, Graphic Designer and Illustrator' by Geoffrey Beare.

Review: Will H. Bradley: His Work by Anthony Bambace (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).

'The Folio Society'.

'Gustave Doré' by Dan Malan.

Review: Gustave Doré Adrift on Dreams of Splendor by Dan Malan (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).

Bibliography: Norman Ault, compiled by Robin Greer.

1913 Illustration by Alice B. Woodward for 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'

No. 3, Summer 1996

'W. Heath Robinson's Children's Books', a talk given by Geoffrey Beare to IBIS (jointly with the Children's Books History Society).

The Genesis of a Dictionary, a lecture given by Simon Houfe to IBIS

'H. N. Pym, G. A. Sala and Some Punch Artists' by John Pym.

Review: The Illustration of Robinson Crusoe 1791-1920 by David Blewitt (reviewed by Paul Goldman)

Review: Thomas Heath Robinson: The Forgotten Brother by Ian Rogerson (reviewed by Geraldine Beare)

Bibliography: Alice B. Woodward, compiled by Geoffrey Beare

Tailpiece by Frank Cheyne Papé from 'The Revolt of Angels' by Anatole France (1924)

No. 4, Winter 1996/1997

'Sutton Place, Surrey' (an account of the building and collections it contains).

Review: A Dictionary of 19th Century British Book Illustrators and Caricaturists by Simon Houfe (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare)

Review: A New Checklist of Books designed by Charles Ricketts and Charles Shannon compiled by Paul van Capelleveen with an introduction by J.G.P. Delaney (reviewed by Vincent Barlow).

Review: The Artist as Critic: Bitextuality in Fin-de-Siècle Illustrated Books by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra (reviewed by Geraldine Beare)

'The Man Who Drew Dragons, Giants ... and Sherlock Holmes. A personal memoir of Robin Jacques' by Luke Gertler and John Francis Guilfoyle.

Bibliography: Frank Cheyne Papé, compiled by Robin Greer.

Mr Worldly-Wiseman by Charles Henry Bennett from 'The Pilgrim's Progress' (1860)

No. 5, Spring 1997

'IBIS Exhibition: "Off the Wall" - 150 Years of Book Illustration' report by Jean Hedger.

'Visit to Sutton Place' report by Colin White.

'Fifty Years of Folio Illustration' by Sara Ayad.

Review: Victorian Illustration by Paul Goldman (reviewed by Lionel Lambourne)

Review: The Works of Charles Samuel Keene by Simon Houfe (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare)

Review: Benjamin Fawcett (1808-1893) Engraver and Colour Printer by Ruari and Antonia McLean (reviewed by Paul Goldman).

Correspondence: Notes relating to the review of the Ricketts and Shannon Checklist (Studies issue 4) from Paul van Capelleveen.

Bibliography: Charles Henry Bennett compiled by Paul Goldman, with an account of his life by Joseph Swain (reprinted from Toilers in Art, 1891).

Portrait of D.H. Lawrence by Simon Brett from 'The Folio Golden Treasury'

No. 6, Summer 1997

'35 Years of Selling Illustrated Books & Related Drawings in the London Rooms' transcript of an IBIS lecture by Mike Heseltine.

Correspondence: Further notes relating to the review of the Ricketts and Shannon Checklist (Studies issue 4) from Paul van Capelleveen

Bibliography: Simon Brett, compiled by Geoffrey Beare and Mike Heseltine.

Illustration by Errol John Le Cain from 'The Faber Book of Illustrated Songs' (1970)

No. 7, Winter 1997/1998

'Visit to Bushey Museum' report by Robin Greer

'The Use of Wood Engraving' report on Simon Brett's lecture by Mike Heseltine

Review: The History of the Illustrated Book by John Harthan reviewed by Geraldine Beare

Review: Milestones in Colour Printing 1457-1859 by Bamber Gascoigne (reviewed by Robin de Beaumont).

Review: Edgar Allen Poe and the Illustrations to his Works During the Fin de Siecle edited by Ichigoro Uchida (reviewed by Robin Greer).

Correspondence: Further notes relating to the review of the Ricketts and Shannon Checklist (Studies issue 4) from Paul van Capelleveen

Notes and Queries: On illustrations appearing in the journal, The Welcome Guest (Paul Goldman). Includes work by Charles Henry Bennett, Thomas Morten, Arthur Boyd Houghton.

Bibliography: Errol le Cain, compiled by Geraldine Beare and Geoffrey Beare with an introductory article.

Cover design by Eric Fraser for 'Radio Times'

No. 8, Spring 1998

'Designers of Blackie's Glasgow Style Book Covers', report of Gerald Cinamon's lecture

'Second IBIS Members' Loan Exhibition' report by Geoffrey Beare

'Eric Fraser - A Profile' by Maureen Rivett

Review: The Popular Magazine in Britain and the United States 1880-1960 by David Reed reviewed by Geraldine Beare

Review: Celtic Alphabets by Aidan Meehan (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).

Notes and Queries: On Forrest Reid (Paul Goldman); on National Nursery Rhymes and Songs (Robin de Beaumont); on some rarely seen work by Richard Doyle (Mike Heseltine); on Charles Henry Bennett and Thomas Morten (Paul Goldman).

Bibliography: Henriette Willebeek le Mair, compiled by Dawn and Peter Cope with an introductory article reproduced from Illustrators of Postcards from the Nursery.

Illustration by Alan Odle for an unpublished edition of Balzac's 'Droll Stories'.

No. 9, Summer 1998

Review: T.N. Foulis. The History and Bibliography of an Edinburgh Publishing House by Ian Elfick and Paul Harris (reviewed by Robin de Beaumont).

Review: G.A. Henty 1832-1902. A Bibliographical Study of his British First Editions with short accounts of his publishers, illustrators and designers by Peter Newbolt (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).

Correspondence: On R.J. Williams

Notes and Queries: On Arthur Boyd Houghton (Paul Goldman)

Bibliography; The published drawings of Alan Odle, compiled by Martin Steenson with an introductory article.

'The Death of Leander' by Charles Ricketts

No. 10, Winter 1998

Review: Retrospective Adventures. Forest Reid: Author and Collector edited by Paul Goldman and Brian Taylor (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).

'An Important Anniversary', an article to mark the centenary of the "First Exhibition of Original Wood Engraving" by Vincent Barlow with a list of exhibits.

Notes and Queries: On Maurice Sand (Mike Heseltine)

Bibliography; The published drawings of Sidney Sime, compiled by Geoffrey Beare and Martin Steenson with an introductory article.

From Gulliver's Travells, 1917

No. 11, Spring 1999

'Charles Keeping Revisited', a talk by Douglas Martin (given at a joint meeting of IBIS and PLA, 1998)

Review: Chloë Preston and the Peek-a-Boos by Mary Hillier (reviewed by Chiara Nicolini)

Review: William Blake's Illuminated Books - Collected Edition edited by David Bindman (reviewed by Geraldine Beare)

Notes and Queries; On Renascence, A Book of Verse by Walter Crane (Geoffrey Beare)

Bibliography: Brian Wildsmith, compiled by Douglas Martin, with introductory account of Wildsmith's career adapted from the essay by Douglas Martin in The Telling Line.

'Mr and Mrs Pepys at Home' by John Kettlewell from ;A Second Diary of the Great Warr'

No. 12, Summer 1999

'Experiences as a fine printer and the running of the Fleece Press' an account by Geoffrey Beare of the IBIS lecture given by Simon Lawrence.

'The Diaries of the Great Warr by M. Watson Williams and John Kettlewell' by William Connelly.

Review: Eric Fraser: designer & illustrator by Sylvia Backemeyer (reviewed by Robin de Beaumont)

Review: The Collectable World of Mabel Lucie Attwell by John Henty (reviewed by Chiara Nicolini)

Bibliography: Charles Folkard (compiled by Robin Greer)

Tailpiece by Robert Gibbings from the Golden Cockerel Press

No. 13, Winter 1999/2000

'Aspects of 20th Century Book Illustration: the second IBIS Day Seminar on 16 October 1999, account of the seminar by Geraldine Beare..

'Brangwyn in Bruges' an article on the Brangwyn museum in Bruges by Roger Woolnough.

Bibliography: Nora Lavrin compiled by William Connelly with introductory article, 'From Aesop's Fables to Casterbriski Zupan, The Life and Work of Nora Lavrin (né Fry) 1897-1985' by William Connelly.

Headpiece by EVB for Tennyson's 'The May Queen'

No. 14, Spring 2000

'To Hold the Mirror up to ... Shakespeare: Illustration as a Tragic Art', transcript of a talk given to IBIS by John Harvey.

Review: John Ruskin - A Life in Pictures by James S Deardon (reviewed by Simon Houfe).

Bibliography: Eleanor Vere Boyle (EVB) compiled by Robin de Beaumont with introductory article by Margaret de Wend-Fenton.

'The Suicide Club Meets' by Olga Lehmann

No. 15, Summer 2000

Review: The Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Cartoonists and Caricaturists by Mark Bryant (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).

'Daniel Maclise and Fraser's Magazine' by Roger Woolnough.

'High Church Piracy?' and article on The Penny Post by Simon Houfe.

Obituries: William Stobbs, Edward Gorey.

Bibliography: Olga Lehmann by William Connelly with introductory essay, 'Olga Lehmann: Radio Times' by William Connelly.



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