Publishing is an important activity for IBIS Our serial and our occasional publications are enjoyed by members and form a significant body of work increasingly used by writers and researchers. Many institutions and organisations join IBIS to ensure that our publications are available within their libraries.
Studies in Illustration (ISSN: 1474-1342). Published three times a year and sent to members as part of their subscription, it informs members of events and new books of interest, reports on the activities of the Society and, most importantly, stimulates bibliographical research and serves as a vehicle for the exchange and pooling of information between members. Each issue contains a significant article on a specific illustrator, publisher or title as well as a completed bibliography or work-in-progress checklist. |
The IBIS Journal (six issues to date). The IBIS Journal journal is an occasional publication containing significant articles on artists and aspects of illustration written by the leading experts in their field. These articles are complemented by comprehensive bibliographies. The Journal is peer reviewed by an Editorial Board comprising the members of the committee of IBIS and a panel of experts in relevant disciplines. All articles are refereed by members of this panel. |
Other Publications In addition, the Society produces other, occasional, publications including the proceedings of our successful Study Days. |