Issues 31 to 45: Table of Contents
Issues generally include further material such as editorials, announcements, notes and queries, etc.
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a comprehensive ‘Table of Contents’ for these 15 issues.
No. 31/32, Winter 2005 / Spring 2006
Bibliography: Wyndham Payne compiled by William Connelly with comprehensive biographical essay and coloured insert.
'Ronald E Balfour' by Martin Steenson with bibliography.
Bibliography: Helen Allingham compiled by Annabel Watts with introductory article.
No. 33, Summer 2006
'Fifty Years of Illustration' by John Vernon Lord adapted from the talk given to IBIS, 2008.
'A Neglected Victorian Illustrator: Henry Courtney Selous' by Simon Cooke.
Review: Artist of Wonderland: The Life, Political Cartoons and Illustrations of Tenniel by Frankie Morris (reviewed by David Lockwood)
Review: The Wood Engravings of Agnes Miller Parker by Ian Rogerson (reviewed by Mike Heseltine)
Review: Early Victorian Illustrated Books: Britain, France and Germany 1820-1860 by John Buchanan-Brown reviewed by Geoffrey Beare.
Correspondence:; Some Anne Anderson additions (Ian Johnson)
Bibliography: Alec Buckles by William Connelly with introductory article.
No. 34, Winter 2006
'Two Additions to the Bibliography of Illustrated Editions of "The Ancient Mariner"' by Geoffrey Beare.
'Notes on My Own Books for Children' by Walter Crane, reprinted from The Imprint, 1913.
'Collecting Series: Nº 4 - Banbury Cross' by Jean Hedger and Mike Heseltine with introductory article and bibliography.
'W Graham Robertson', a newly discovered addition to the bibliography in Studies no. 28 by Geoffrey Beare.
Ronald Balfour, feedback on the identity of Ronald Balfour extracted from The Book Collector, Autumn 2006.
Bibliography: Francis Donkin Bedford compiled by Robin Greer, with an introductory article Hugh Bedford.
No. 35, Spring 2007
'Eric Ravilious and Edward Bawden', an account of the IBIS lecture given by Peyton Skipwith.
'Database of Mid-Victorian Wood-Engraved Illustration (DMVI)' by Julia Thomas
An appeal on behalf of the Sime Gallery
Review: Looking at prints, Drawings and Watercolours: A Guide to Technical Terms by Paul Goldman (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare)
'Over-Illustration' by Charles T Congdon, an abridged version of an article originally published in North American Review, 1884
'An Illustrator of Dickens, Hablot Knight Browne ("Phiz")', by Arthur Allchin, article originally published in the Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 1893.
Bibliography: Original editions of Charles Dickens' Works, illustrated by H.K. Browne.
No. 36, Summer 2007
'Rex Whistler' an edited transcript of the IBIS Midsummer Lecture given by Stephen Calloway.
Correspondence: Illustrated Editions of Jane Austen (from Vera Quin)
'Ronald Balfour: Additional Information' by Martin Steenson
Bibliography: Keith Vaughan compiled by Martin Steenson
Review: The Art of Omar Khayyam. Illustrating FitzGerald's "Rubaiyat" by William H Martin and Sandra Mason (reviewed by Robert Irwin)
Bibliography: 'A Paying Profession for Clever Girls, Part 1: Anne Harriet Fish' compiled by and with an introduction by William Connelly
No. 37, Winter 2007
Correspondence: M Dorothy Hardy (from Barry Johnson)
Correspondence: Minnie Dibdin Spooner (from Alec Hamilton)
Review: Beresford Egen by Adrian Woodhouse (reviewed by Mike Heseltine)
Review: An Edwardian's View of Dickens & His Illustrators: Harry Furniss's "A Sketch of Boz" by Gareth Cordery (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare)
Bibliography: 'A Paying Profession for Clever Girls, Part 2: Gladys Peto', compiled by and with an introductory article by William Connelly.
No. 38, Spring 2008
'Eleanor Farjeon and her Illustrators' by Anne Harvey adapted from her lecture given to IBIS.
Review: A Guide to the Printed Work of Jessie M King by Colin White (reviewed by Mike Heseltine)
Review: Fantasy and Faith: The Art of Gustave Doré, edited by Eric Zafran (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare)
Bibliography: John Minton, compiled by and with an introductory article by Martin Steenson
No. 39, Summer 2008
'Charles Robinson and the Garden of Childhood' by Jean Hedger, based on the 2008 IBIS Summer Lecture. Further images relating to this article can be seen in the Images section of this website.
'The Journal of Illustration Studies', an account by Geoffrey Beare of the new publication.
Correspondence: Helen Jacobs drawing (from Michael Titterington).
Reviews: Tea and a Slice of Art by Charlie Batchelor (reviewed by Martin Steenson)
Bibliography: Robert Stewart Sherriffs, compiled by and with introductory article by Geoffrey Beare.
No. 40, Winter 2008
'More Than Just The Margins', an appreciation of Pauline Baynes (1922-2008) by Brian Sibley.
Review: The Art Deco Book in France by Gordon N Ray (reviewed by Denis Collins).
'A Paying Professions for Clever Girls, Part 3: Joyce Dennys' by William Connelly. Further images relating to this article can be seen in the Images section of this website.
No. 41, Spring 2009
Thackeray as Draughtsman by Russell Sturgis (reprinted from Scribner's Monthly, June 1880).
Review: Dean's Rag Books and Rag Dolls by Peter and Dawn Cope (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare). Further illustrations from this book may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
Review: Words and Pictures: Writers, Artists and a Peculiarly British Tradition by Jenny Uglow (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare).
Bibliography: The Illustrators of the Merry-Go-Round: 3, Grace Beatrice Lodge (1893-1975) by William Connelly.
No. 42, Summer 2009
William Blake by Robin Hamlyn (transcript of lecture given to IBIS in 2008). Illustrations to accompany this talk may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
Bibliography: Mabel Dearmer compiled by Martin Steenson. Further illustrations from this book may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
The Patrician - more Peto and Fish... by William Connelly.
Bibliography: Charles Robinson Sykes by Annabel Watts.
No. 43, Winter 2009
Michael Foreman (transcript of lecture given to IBIS in 2009). Illustrations to accompany this talk may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
Review: Art and the Print:The Curwen Press Story by Alan Powers (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare)
Review: F L Griggs (1876–1938): The Architecture of Dreams by Jerrold Northrop Moore (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare)
Doing Justice to Henry: A Biographical Study of Henry Justice Ford by Carolyn Hares-Stryker, with bibliography. Illustrations to accompany this talk may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
No. 44, Spring 2010
Circus: The Pocket Review of our time by Geoffrey Beare.
Review: Tennyson Transformed by Jim Cheshire (reviewed by Paul Goldman)
Review: Illustrated Children's Books by Peter Hunt and Lisa Sainsbury (reviewed by Geoffrey Beare)
Enid Marx's Children's Books (1902-1988) article with bibliography by Ruth Artmonsky.
Letter to the Editor from Selwyn Goodacre: Additions to the bibliography of Harry Furniss published in IBIS Journal, number 3.
Bibliography: Meg Rutherford (1932-2006) by Amis Goldingham with introductory article.
No. 45, Summer 2010
Review: George Barbler: The Birth of Art Deco edited by Barbara Martorelli (reviewed by Denis Collins). Further illustrations to accompany this review may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
"Edith Farmiloe": article with bibliography by Geoffrey Beare. Further llustrations to accompany this artilce may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
Bibliography: "A List of Books Illustrated by Ernest Howard Shepard, 1879-1976" by Peter Duggan.
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