Issues 46 to 60: Table of Contents
Issues generally include further material such as editorials, announcements, notes and queries, etc.
Click Here for a printable document containing
a comprehensive ‘Table of Contents’ for these 15 issues.
No. 46, Winter 2010
The House of Illustration by Patrick Janson-Smith
Searle and Beardsley by Simon Wilson
Philip Youngman Carter by B.A. Pike, article with bibliography of Carter's four illustrated books.
The Illustrations of Florence Susan Harrison, extensive article with full bibiography of Harrison's work by Mary Jacobs. The article reveals the historical mis-identification of F.S. Harrison's work.
No. 47, Spring 2011
John Piper and John Minton by Frances Spalding
Extracts from the lecture delivered at the Art Worker’s Guild, 12 May 2010
Sheldrake Press Kate Greenaway Range of Books by Geoffrey Beare
The 1890s Website
Dating Blackie’s Children’s Annuals by Geoffrey Beare
Review: Illustrated Periodicals of the 1860s by Simon Cooke, reviewed by Geoffrey Beare
Review: Peter Lunn: Children’s Publisher by Peter Main reviewed by Geoffrey Beare
Review: Linley Sambourne: Illustrator and Punch Cartoonist by Leonee Ormond reviewed by Amanda-Jane Doran
Review: The Strangest Genius. The stained glass of Harry Clarke by Lucy Costigan & Michael Cullen reviewed by Martin Steenson
Bibliography: Dorothy Mullock: ‘A Lady in Black’ by Bill Connelly
No. 48, Summer 2011
Claud Lovat Fraser by Peyton Skipwith. Transcript of the lecture delivered at the Art Worker’s Guild, 25 May 2011. Further illustrations from this talk may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
The Hard Work Behind the Printed Image: The du Maurier Collection at Exeter University by Simon Cooke
Review: The Old Stile Press ... the next ten years, A Bibliography 2000-2010 by Nancy Campbell, reviewed by Geoffrey Beare
Review: The Artist and the Poet (Leonard Baskin and Ted Hughes in Conversation, 1983) by Directed by Noel Chanan, reviewed by Mark Richards
Update: Vera Willoughby: An Early Work, Some Proposals and Unpublished Illustrations by William Connelly
Bibliography: The Book Illustrations of Frederick Cayley Robinson by Martin Steenson. Further illustrations may be viewed in the Images section of this website.
No. 49, Winter 2011
The Other 'Moxon Tennyson' by Simon Cooke
'Book Illustrations', by Charles Dickens reprinted from All The Year Round, 1867.
Lucien Freud by Martin Steenson. Notes on Freud's two illustrated books.
Review: Thomas Bewick – The Complete Illustrative Work by Nigel Taterfield, reviewed by Paul Goldman
Bibliography: Henry Ospovat by Geoffrey Beare.
Further illustrations to accompany articles in this issue can be seen in the Images section of this website.
No. 50, Spring 2011.
Special Issue with Original Cover by John Lawrence
Editorial by Jean Hedger.
Ronald Searle: A Personal Reiniscence by Luke Gertler and Francis Guilfoyle.
Original Illustrations in the Sale-Room: the Early Years by Mike Heseltine.
The Robin de Beaumont Collection by Paul Goldman
Growing up with an Illustrator for a Father by Jean Hedger
The Life and Work of Alan Odle by Martin Steenson
Reprinting Classic Texts by Simon Cooke
William Heath Robinson: an Enduring Passion by Geoffrey Beare
The Roles of Clubs and Societies by Mark Richards
Notes and Queries (a Darton Engraver by Mike Heseltine)
Rackham Thoughts by Robin Greer
No. 51, Summer 2012
Obituary - Maurice Sendak
Researching the 1860s: a Practical Guide to Resources By Simon Cooke
Barnett Freedman – A talk by Alan Powers.
Reviews: Calla Editions
Arts and Crafts Book Covers by Malcolm Haslam.
Florence Harrison: A Case of Mistaken Identity by Sandy Hargrove.
Bibliography: Patten Wilson by Geoffrey Beare
Further illustrations to accompany articles in this issue can be seen in the Images section of this website.
No. 52, Winter 2012
Tennyson in America by Simon Cooke
Collecting Series 5: The Endymion Poets by Martin Steenson
Review: Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain by Edward Ardizzone
Review: Master Prints Close-up by Paul Goldman.
Review: Balzac, Grandville, and the Rise of Book Illustration by Keri Yousif.
Bibliography: The Illustrators of the Merry-Go-Round: 4 Grace Beatrice Lodge (1893-1975). Part 2: 1940-1974 by Bill Connelly. .
No. 53, Spring 2013
The Unusual Illustrations of Edward Henry Wehnert by Simon Cooke
Review: Calla Press reprints - Harry Clarke and Kay Nielsen
Review: Ex Libris: The Art of Bookplates by Martin Hopkinson
Review: Reading Victorian Illustration, 1855-1875. Edited by Paul Goldman and Simon Cooke.
John Kettelwell by William Connelly, with bibliography.
Further illustrations to accompany articles in this issue can be seen in the Images section of this website.
No. 54, Summer 2013
The Folio Society and Illustration by Geoffrey Beare
Review: Shadow of the Matterhorn: The Life of Edward Whymper by Ian Smith
Review: In Search of Rex Whistler by Hugh and Mirabel Cecil
Exhibition Review: Looking in Wonderland, Coventry.
Bibliography: Find the Lady: Anne Rochester by William Connelly.
Further illustrations to accompany articles in this issue can be seen in the Images section of this website.
No. 55, Winter 2013
The collection of Laurence W. Hodson
The Illustrations of Arthur Hughes by Laurence Housman (1908)
A Museum for Heath Robinson
Review: Illustrated Editions of the Works of William Morris in English by Robert L. Coupe. Reviewed by Martin Steenson
Review: An Engraver's Progress: Simon Brett, Fifty Years of Wood Engraving. Reviewed by Geoffrey Beare
Charles W Stewart: A Memoir by William Connelly
Bibliography: Charles W Stewart: Compiled by William Connelly
No. 56, Spring 2014
Illustrating Dickens (account of a one-day conference in 2013)
Collecting Series 6 – Dent's Temple Classics for Young People by Geoffrey Beare
Bibliography: Dent's Temple Classics compiled by Geoffrey Beare
Doors and Windows in Book Illustrations of the 1860s by Simon Cooke
Review: Pictures in the Sky. The Art of Patrick Woodfroffe. Reviewed by Mike Heseltine
Bibliography: Patrick Woodfroffe. Compiled by Mike Heseltine
No. 57, Summer 2014
Illustrating Finnegans Wake by John Vernon Lord.
The Victorian Web: a Resource for Illustration Studies by Simon Cooke
Review: Eric Ravilious: Artist & Designer by Dr Alan Powers. Reviewed by Neil Jennings
Review: Ravilious: Wood Engravings by James Russell. Reviewed by Geoffrey Beare
Bibliography: Phillip Connard: Painter and Illustrator by Geoffrey Beare
No. 58, Winter 2014
Metamorphoses of Pan and other woodcuts by T Sturge Moore by Vincent Barlow
The Oxford Illustrated Old Testament by Martin Steenson
Book Review: The Ladybird Story by Lorraine Johnson and Brian Alderson reviewed by Geoffrey Beare
Bibliography: Gertrude Mittelmann by William Connelly
No. 59, Spring 2015
Edward Wehnert and a Preparatory Drawing for The Ancient Mariner by Simon Cooke
Harry Rountree (Part 1): His Early Career by Michael Pirie
Book Review: Behind the Dusty Glass by Ian Beck reviewed by Patrick Janson-Smith
Bibliography: Carton Moore Park by Martin Steenson
Further illustrations to accompany articles in this issue can be seen in the Images section of this website.
No. 60, Summer 2015
Now Here's a Funny Thing by John Jensen
Harry Rountree - Part 2 by Michael Pirie
Book Review: Rena Gardiner: Artist and Printmaker by Julian Francis and Martin Andrews reviewd by Neil Jennings
Book Review: Eric Ravilious - Design by Brian Webb and Peyton Skipwith reviewd by Neil Jennings
Bibliography: Margaret and Mary Baker with biographical essay by William Connelly.
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