Issues 61 to 75: Table of Contents

Issues generally include further material such as editorials, announcements, notes and queries, etc.

A printable document containing a comprehensive ‘Table of Contents’
for these 15 issues is currently in preparation.

'Leir curses his Daughter', an illustration for Stories of Early British Heroes, 1902.

No. 61, Winter 2015

Meg Rutherford - Addenda to the Bibliography published in Studies in Illustration no. 44 by Amis Goldingham

Harry Rountree, Part Three: The Mature Artist and Illustrator by Michael Pirie

Obituary: Robin Greer by Jean Hedger

On the Illustrating of Books by Edward Ardizzone

Bibliography: Joyce Mercer by Bill Connelly

Rountrees Ridiculous Rabbits.

No. 62, Spring 2016

'Illustrating Trollope' study day report by David Wootton

A Bibliography of the Book Illustrations of Harry Rountree by Michael Pirie

Review: Art for the Ear by Ruth Artmonsky, reviewed by Neil Jennings

Aubrey Hammond - Illustrator of the Jazz Age by Ruth Artmonsky

Wonderland Annual, 1920, cover by Harry Rountrees.

No. 63, Summer 2016

William Heath Robinson' A lecture by Geoffrey Beare

A Bibliography of Harry Rountree in periodicals by Michael Pirie

Review: Aubrey Beardsley: A Catalogue Raisonné by Linda Zatlin, reviewed by Geoffrey Beare

Contance Ethel Rowlands, a bibliography with introductory article by Bill Connelly.

Illustration for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1948 by Edward Burra.

No. 64, Winter 2016

'Book Illustrators and Posters' by Martin Steenson

'Victorian Book Illustrations and Book Cover Designs' by Edmund MB King

'Edward Burra as Illustrator' by Martin Steenson

'Collecting Series: The Oxford Illustrated Trollope' by Geoffrey Beare

'The Book Illustrations of Richard Heighway' by Simon Cooke

'The Warden’s Tea-Party' by Edward Ardizzone

No. 65, Spring 2017

'Some Glasgow School Christmas Cards' by Martin Steenson

'Obituary for Babette Cole' by Susan Bailes

'Review: Edward Ardizzone: Artist and Illustrator' by Alan Powers, reviewed by Susan Bailes

An Interview with Sidney H Sime by Derwent Miall

'Mary Strange Reeve' by William Connelly

'Me and Catharine Susan' by Kathleen Ainslie

No. 66, Summer 2017

'Sir Joseph Noel Paton, 1821-1901' by Margie Agnew

'Review: The Book and Periodical Illustrations of Arthur Hughes' by Maroussia Oakley, reviewed by Geoffrey Beare

'Kathleen Ainslie, 1858-1936' by Susan Bailes, with bibliography

Illustration from 'Anna the Runner' by Clifford Webb

No. 67, Winter 2017

'A Plethora of Riches: The Mark Samuels Lasner Collection at the University of Delware' by Margaretta Frederick

'Gordon Noel Fish' by Martin Steenson

'Review: Edward Bawden Scrapbooks' by Peyton Skipwith and Brian Webb, reviewed by Susan Bailes

'Notes and Queries' additions to the published bibliographies of Meg Rutherford and Lucien Freud

'Bibliography: Clifford Webb' by Martin Steenson

'War of the Worlds' by Frank Paul, cover design for 'Amazing Stories'

No. 68, Spring 2018

'Illustrating War of the Worlds' by Simon Cooke

'The Mystery of Archibald Webb' by Robert J. Kirkpatrick

'Book Review: The Snail that climbed the Eiffel Tower by Martin Salisbury', reviewed by Geoffrey Beare

'Book Review: The Illustrated Dust Jacket 1920-1970 by Martin Salisbury', reviewed by Patrick Janson-Smith

'Harold Jones: A Brief Appreciation' by Ian Beck

'Bibliography of Published Illustrations by Harold Jones' by Martin Steenson

'Woman with her back to the Viewer' by Aubrey Beardsley

No. 69, Summer 2018

'A collection of Proofs by Richard Doyle' by Simon Cooke

'Aubrey Beardsley's Woman with Her Back to the Viewer: An Indispensable Fragment of the 1890s' by Sasha Dovzhyk

'Mr Beaumont of 75 Charing Cross Road, London by William Connelly

'Notes and Queries' Additions to the Robert Anning Bell bibliography (IBIS Journal 4) by Vincent Barlow

'Exhibition Review: Edward Bawden at Dulwich Picture Gallery, reviewed by Neil Jennings

'Grace Lydia Golden: Londoner', article and bibliography by William Connelly

'A Futurist's Impression – The Receiving Hall' by CRW Nevinson

No. 70, Winter 2018

'Collecting Series 7: The Camden Classics' by Martin Steenson

'Book Review: The Illustrations of Arthur Hughes by Maroussia Oakley' reviewed by Susan Bailes

'Exhibition Review: The Flower Fairies at the Garden Museum reviewed by Susan Bailes, published with a checklist of all titles by Barker

'Notes and Queries: Howard Jones and H Granville Fell' by Selwyn Goodacre and Geoffrey Beare

'Humour of the Wards: Stephen Bagot de la Bere and The Gazette of the 3rd London General Hospital, 1915-1919', by William Connelly

Linocut from 'Rails, Road, Bridges' by Hellmuth Weissenborn

No. 71, Spring 2019

'The Mystery of John Campbell' by Robert J. Kirkpatrick

'The Beardsley Generation' by Geoffrey Beare

Review: Born to be Posthumous: The Eccentric Life and Mysterious Genius of Edward Gorey by Mark Dery, reviewed by Patrick Jansen Smith

'Hellmuth Weissenborn - A Bibliography' by Mark R. Richards

Illustration for The Duchess of Malfi by Henry Keen

No. 72, Summer 2019

'The Pre-Raphaelite Kiss' by Simon Cooke

Review: Helen Oxenbury: A Life in Illustration by L. S. Marcus, reviewed by Susan Bailes

'Henry Keen' by Martin Steenson with bibliography

Illustration by Reginald Knowles from 'Legends from Fairy Land, 1907'

No. 73, Winter 2019

'Michel Sevier' by William Connolly

'Henry Keen Letters and Reviews' by William Connolly

'Horace and Reginald Knowles' by Martin Steenson with bibliography

Review: The Men Who Drew for Boys (And Girls) by Robert Kirkpatrick reviewed by Abigail Fine

Review: What to look for in the garden: a ladybird books exhibition reviewed by Susan Bailes

An illustration for 'Through the Window' by Charles Keeping, 1970

No. 74, Spring 2020

'Heywood Sumner' by Martin Steenson with bibliography

'The Magic of Letterpress' by John Randle

'Edward and Stephanie Godwin's Book Illustrations' by Joscelyn Godwin with bibliography

Review: The 100 Best Children's Books by Brian Alderson, reviewed by Geoffrey Beare

Review: Fierce Bad Rabbits by Clare Pollard, reviewed by Patrick Janson-Smith

An illustration for 'Through the Window' by Charles Keeping, 1970

No. 75, Summer 2020

'Gleeson White as a Critic of Illustration' by Simon Cooke

'Two Friends: Margaret Levetus and Monica Walker' by William Connelly

'Harry Rountree as a Commercial Artist (part 1)' by Michael Pirie

Review: Picturing Tom Brown: How Artists Have Illustrated Tom Brown's Schooldays by Robert J Kirkpatrick, reviewed by Aratrika Choudhury

Notes and Queries: Kay Nielsen poster for the Leicester Galleries by Martin Steenson



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